
(1)Material Damage: covers accidental and sudden loss and burglary of your contents & stock
Business Assets are:
- Business Contents, including machinery, plant, tools, fixtures, fittings, furnishings, furniture, employees’ personal effects, tenant’s improvements & equipment
- Stock, including raw / finished material
- Money
商业财产保险:保护你的商业资产,如固定资产与设备,工具,家具,现金,存货等。当这些资产遭受突然性的损坏或被抢劫,盗窃时, 商业财产保险会为业主提供保护
(2)Business Interruption Insurance
covers for Loss of Income, extra costs reasonably incurred to maintain your business and any accountant or solicitors fees for quantification of a claim for up to 12 months, following a claim on your material damage policy. This means you can continue your business as normal while a claim is in progress.
(3)Broadform Liability
This covers you for your liability for accidentally damaging to someone else’s property or accidental injury to anyone other than your employees. This policy will also cover you automatically for any fines up to $250000 in relation to the Forest and Rural fires Act.
公共责任险:如果您的商业行为可能在不经意时对他人的财产或生命造成危害(如损坏房东的建筑, 客人在你的店内受伤,食物中毒等)。若法律判决业主对这些行为负责,公共责任险会帮助业主赔复对他人的损失。
(4)Statutory Liability
This covers you against fines & defence costs for innocent, unintentional breaches of Parliamentary Acts, such as Fair Trading Act and Consumer Guarantees Act. You will not be insured for any fine or infringement fee under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
(5)Employers Liability
This covers you for damages awarded against you for liability arising from your employee sustaining injury in connection with your business which fall outside the coverage of ACC.
雇主责任险: 如果员工因在为业主打工的工作期间,遭受了身体上或精神上的损害,ACC也不予支付,而法律判决你对此负责,雇主责任险会赔付相关的费用。
职业责任保险 – Professional Indemnity Insurance
贸易信用保险 – Trade Credit Insurance
- Business Name: 被保人名称或店名
- Business Nature: 商业性质
- Business Address: 被保地址
- Business History: 商业已经开业的时间(年份)
- Insurance & Claim History: 保险历史及索赔历史
- Business Address: 被保地址
- Sum insured for business contents & stock: 店里的固定资产及设备的被保值及存货的被报值
- 店铺、工厂、办公室所在地址的建筑年代
- 营业场所的防火及防盗措施是怎样的
营业中断险所需额外材料 – Gross Profit: 年毛利(一般是年营业额减去采购成本)
公共责任险所需额外材料 – (1) Annual Turnover: 年营业额 (2) Employee numbers: 有几个雇员