
新西兰道路交通管理局宣布,将从4月21日开始,到7月21日截止,在新西兰境内将道路使用费 (RUC) 的费率降低36%,为期三个月时间;之所以设定这个数字,是因为经过计算,以柴油作为燃料的汽车将获得相当于每升25纽分的燃油税费减免,等于此前宣布的每升汽油的燃油消费税减免。
所有柴油车的用户,如果您在2022年4月21日至2022年7月21日这三个月时间里购买 RUC 柴油税,您将能够以优惠的价格得到您需要的里程。
在宣布今天的临时减免措施的同时,道路交通管理局也同时提到,如果车主购买的里程“远多于实际使用情况”(不合理、过度购买、滥用临时降价策略),NZTA 可能会要求您“补税”,也就是按照原价购买这些 RUC。
RUC类型 | 车辆示意 | 车重 | 原始费率 (纽币/1000公里) |
减免后费率 (纽币/1000公里) |
1 | Powered vehicles with two axles (except type 2 or type 299 vehicles)
Not more than 3.5 tonnes | 76 | 49 |
More than 3.5 tonnes and not more than 6 tonnes | 82 | 52 | ||
More than 6 tonnes and not more than 9 tonnes | 167 | 107 | ||
Any RUC weight more than 9 tonnes | 352 | 225 | ||
2 | Powered vehicles with one single-tyred spaced axle and one twin-tyred spaced axle![]() |
Not more than 6 tonnes | 80 | 51 |
More than 6 tonnes and not more than 9 tonnes | 126 | 81 | ||
More than 9 tonnes and not more than 12 tonnes | 172 | 110 | ||
Any RUC weight more than 12 tonnes | 315 | 202 | ||
311 (Bus) | Powered passenger service vehicles with three axles![]() |
Not more than 18 tonnes | 336 | 215 |
Any weight more than 18 tonnes | 413 | 264 | ||
6 | Powered vehicles with three axles, (except type 308, 309, 311, 399 or 413 vehicles)![]() |
Not more than 12 tonnes | 110 | 70 |
More than 12 tonnes and not more than 18 tonnes | 356 | 228 | ||
Any RUC weight more than 18 tonnes | 434 | 278 | ||
14 | Powered vehicles with four axles (except type 408, 414 or type 499 vehicles)
All RUC weights | 435 | 278 |
19 | Powered vehicles with five or more axles (except type 599 vehicles)![]() |
All RUC weights | 389 | 249 |
308 | Towing vehicles with three axles that are part of a combination vehicle with a total of at least 8 axles![]() |
All RUC weights | 431 | 276 |
408 | Towing vehicles with four axles that are part of a combination vehicle with a total of at least 8 axles![]() |
All RUC weights | 401 | 257 |
309 | Towing vehicles with three axles that are part of a combination vehicle with a total of at least 9 axles![]() |
All RUC weights | 346 | 221 |